Steer to Success: Ontario Bus Driver Knowledge Test 2024 – Drive Your Future Forward!

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Question: 1 / 50

A Schedule 4 inspection is valid for whichever comes first of 12,000 km or...?

30 days

A Schedule 4 inspection is valid for whichever comes first of 12,000 km or 30 days. This means that once a vehicle has traveled 12,000 km or after 30 days have passed since the last inspection, a new Schedule 4 inspection needs to be performed. This is based on whichever comes first in order to ensure that the vehicle is regularly checked for safety. The other options, such as 60 days, 6 months, and 1 year, would provide a longer time frame for the next inspection, potentially increasing the risk of an unsafe vehicle on the road. Therefore, they are not the correct choices for the answer to this question.

60 days

6 months

1 year


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